

Images & Sounds with Cheryl Simon

My grade: 97  Class Average: 72

Images and Sounds was one of the first classes I attended at Dawson College. This class was a memorable one because it marks my first steps into a new educational environment. I really enjoyed this class because it helped me learn about the history of film along with helping me put images to sound and vice versa. This also helped my people skills improve because it was my first class in my entire Dawson career. I really enjoyed designing my own photo project and creating a soundscape with it. For example, I made a black

and white photo strip consisting of 5 photos that had to do with a concert setting. I made sure to include all the aspects of a concert, the crowd, what the band looked like

from the front, and their point of view as well. What I really enjoyed about this class was how it helped me differentiate the unique characteristics of images and sounds independently as different mediums.

Music Appreciation with Jacinta Luis

My grade: 93  Class Average: 66

This class analyzed music styles in various different aspects. What really helped me in this class was how to identify different aspects in music pieces, and it helped me appreciate different genres of music even more than I already do. For example, we learnt about tone of instruments, harmony and colour of sound. As a project, we had to choose a song that we personally enjoyed. We then, as a class, analyzed each song and identified each of the musical aspects in the song. This helped me realize that music is more than just entertainment but a pro

duced art in itself. This class taught me how to use my sense of listening in a more effective way.



Advertising with Terryll Loffler

My grade: 83  Class Average: 81

This class predominately focused on educating through the eyes of the advertiser. This was a big change for me because I have always been in the viewpoint of the consumer. This class really helped me with research methods and learning how to market an item. I think this class was one of the most helpful classes I attending at Dawson because I believe it will help me with my future endeavours as an entrepreneur. In this class, we conducted a research on students and created a product and marketing campaign with the help of the results we received from the surveys.



Animation Production with Dipti Gupta

My grade: 87  Class Average: 83

This class was one of my favourite classes I attended at Dawson. This is partly because it helped me with my drawing skills and introduced me to multiple animation styles. Another reason why this was one of my favourite classes was because it helped me discover a talent within me that I never knew about. I created a paper-cut out stop motion animation and entered it into the Dawson Media. It won second place in the Animation category. I think this class will help me in the future because it will help me in my marketing strategies along with the design of many things I plan to design in my future endeavours to open my own bakery.

Computer Graphics and Web Design with Margaret Brown

My grade: 75  Class Average: 68

This class was very helpful because it helped me reaffirm my skills in photoshop and web design. Along with learning new skills in the computer technology world, I polished up some of the skills I already was educated about. I think this will be helpful because in the future I can create websites and create aesthetically appealing designs (both computer generated and by hand). Through the semester, we manipulated multiple pictures by making them much more aesthetically appealing. This included changing the brightness and contrast, increasing the colour levels in each picture etc.